Inasmuch - Services

Inasmuch was born more than 30 years ago when the church secretary began sharing her lunch with people in need

Truly I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me. — Matthew 25:40

Inasmuch Ministry

3,500 +

Families benefited

Over the past 5 years, Inasmuch has provided 3,500 families with food.

Inasmuch Ministry

112,000 lbs +

Pounds of food

We have given away 112,000 pounds worth of food over the past 5 years.



client icon

“We are so thankful to God and Broadway Christian Church for providing us a place to meet this winter. Thank you for answering His Call.”

Inasmuch Ministry

Freimann Square Ministry

Ministry Partner
Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry


We Want To Serve More Clients

Inasmuch and Circles of Allen County need volunteers to help us continue expanding our ministry and serving more clients in our community. As we grow and expand, we need your expertise, your skills, your knowledge, and your passion for serving.

We Enjoy Our Time Together

Volunteering with Inasmuch and Circles of Allen County allows you to build relationships, community, and grow in ways that you may not have imagined. Plus, it’s fun!

Donor Satisfaction Guaranteed

Donating is a much needed and appreciated way to contribute to the work we do at Inasmuch. We appreciate each donation given to the ministry and use for client services: food/bus passes/fees for birth certificates and to cover financial assistance. We can show our donors how their contributions were used.

We Are Integrally Connected

We do not work in a silo or vacuum. We reach out with resources to help other organizations, and know who to contact when we are faced with a situation we might never have seen before. This leads to an in-depth knowledge, understanding, and appreciation for everyone in our community.

Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry



Families blessed with food
Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry



Bus passes given
Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry



Birth certificates recovered
Inasmuch Ministry
Inasmuch Ministry



Pounds of food given